Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Women and Men in Ireland 2009

The CSO have released theie latest version of the Women and Men in Ireland publication.  The release provides some interesting statistics across a range of areas: population, employment, lifestyles, education, health, crime and transport.

From a third level education perspective there are some interesting patterns.  Here is a graph of the percentage of the population aged between 25 to 34 who have a third level qualification. Click to enlarge.

The percentages were almost identical in 1999: men 26.7% and women 27.5%.  Although the percentage has been rising for both genders there has been a huge divergence in the series since 1999.  As of 2009, 51% of women in the 25-34 age category had a third level qualification as to only 38.7% of men.

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